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Osé Èrò - Òdí Méjì - To Generate Fertility

Osé Èrò - Òdí Méjì - To Generate Fertility

These are magical soaps made from black soap infused with secret powders and enchantments. All soaps are made and charged by an Awo Ogboni and will be made in relation to the need of the client.

Herbs, enchantments and prayers utilized in the presence of spirit and òrìsá to generate medicine and magic is a common trait in Ifá and one of these magical medicines is osé éró. This medicine composed from powders from the vegetal, animal and mineral kingdom combined into a specific ray of power through natural harmonies, songs, prayers and enchantments and bound together in order to bring forth a specific direction and quality. This medicine takes the form of a black soap that is used to clean the entire body while the mind stays in a contemplative and receptive state, focusing on the intent of the use of the medicine.

We offer sixteen varieties of this medicine, each directly linked with one of the primordial sixteen odùs of Ifá. This one is Òdí Méjì wich is used both to generate fertility and also stability. It is a medicine that makes a restless heart calm and a womb desiring children to become more fertile and receptive.

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